Canadian publisher and book binder accepting un-agented manuscripts by email. POD, conventional publishing or Associate Publisher Program for Individuals or group projects. A family run business helping your dreams come true in an affordable way.
Wingrove-Press publishes Books on these subjects: Travel, Thriller, Romance, Novel, Juvenile, History, Graphic Novel, and Family
Corporate: Go to the website Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only FaceBook: For premium subscribers only
Feature available to premium subscribers only. PubMail gets delivered to the on-line mailbox of the profile.
Corporate: For premium subscribers only Editorial: For premium subscribers only Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only Permissions: For premium subscribers only Sales: For premium subscribers only
RR1 WaterfordWaterfordOntarioCanadaN0E 1Y0
Phone number(s): + 1 266 388 9846
Wingrove-Press, Waterford, Ontario, Canada is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Wingrove-Press is listed in the directory of publishers of Canada. You can find more such publishers from Canada here:
By subject: Travel publishers in Canada, Thriller publishers in Canada, Romance publishers in Canada, and Novel publishers in Canada
By media: Book publishers in Canada
By city: Waterford, Ontario
Some of the other prominent cities in Canada for which we have publishers in our database include: Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver
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