Publishing Companies of Colombia

Listing all 6 Colombian Publishing Houses

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Colombian Publishers Directory

Panamericana Editorial Ltd.

Bogotá D C, Colombia

Publisher profile: Panamericana Editorial Ltd.

Educar Editores S.A.

Bogota D C, Colombia

Publisher profile: Educar Editores S.A.

Editorial Libros & Libros

Bogotá DC, Colombia

Publisher profile: Editorial Libros & Libros

Journal of Rural Development - Pontificia Unviersidad Javeriana

bogota, Colombia

The International Journal of Rural Development was born in 1978, as an initiative of a group of researchers of the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá – Colombia, South America, who proposed to the academic directives of the moment t...

Publisher profile: Journal of Rural Development - Pontificia Unviersidad Javeriana

Editorial La Serpiente Emplumada

Bogotà, Colombia

La Serpiente Emplumada has been created by Colombian writers to help other Colombian writers publish, distibute and make known their work. Its focus is on books of high literary and editorial quality for adults, youth and children.

Publisher profile: Editorial La Serpiente Emplumada

Grupo Editorial Norma

Cali, Colombia

Publisher's of a wide range of products mainly in the following areas: management, self-help, computing, literature, essays, fiction, biographies, children's literature, children's activity books, reference and textbooks for schools.

Publisher profile: Grupo Editorial Norma

6 publishing companies in the directory of Colombian publishers

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